Posted on Apr 13, 2017

CAUCUS DIVISIONS: Wildrose MLA Hunter wants Jean to flip flop again

EDMONTON- Yesterday, Wildrose Leader Brian Jean denied there was a division in his caucus over his flip-flop on whether kids should be outed for joining a GSA school club. It seems the Wildrose leader can’t get his story or his caucus straight.

This comes on the heels of caucus members publicly disagreeing on the issue of GSAs. In an April 7th call to action on his Facebook page that surfaced today, Wildrose MLA Grant Hunter shared tools for his supporters to lobby Brian Jean to out LGBTQ kids. Hunter’s post also asked for donations to a group to put up billboards against the student clubs.[1]

His supporters commented that GSAs were a “hill to die on” for them.

If Brian Jean’s Wildrose caucus members are publicly lobbying to reverse the Wildrose position, isn’t that the definition of “division” in caucus?



Media Inquiries

Maureen Mariampillai
Communications Officer, Alberta NDP Caucus

[1] Grant Hunter’s Facebook post of April 7: