Posted on Apr 6, 2021
NDP Health Critic David Shepherd issued the following statement in response to new COVID-19 measures announced by the UCP Government today:
"The Premier has confirmed that we will see daily case counts of 2,000 by the end of the month and 1,000 Albertans or more in hospital. This is worse than we ever saw in the second wave, which was devastating and saw hundreds of lives lost and thousands get very, very sick.
“We are glad the Premier has heard the call to immediately close in-room dining and other public health restrictions to help slow the spread of infection; however, we have spoken with many restaurant owners who have been closed more than they have been open this past year. The Premier promised more monetary help and supports are on the way, but provided no details. We do know this Government hasn’t even spent money to help businesses through the first wave of COVID-19 as quickly as promised.
“We also have continuing concerns about schools. Students need to be in school. The Government must act now — they must do everything in their power to keep them open but we cannot allow COVID-19 to continue to run rampant through so many of these buildings.
“The Premier also continues to accept zero responsibility for his failures to manage this pandemic. He continues to blame Albertans and accepts no blame for his own actions and mismanagement. To put it simply, this Premier cannot be trusted to manage this pandemic, and we will continue to press for real action to help Alberta families and businesses ride out a third wave far worse than it ever had to be.”